Europa > Irland > Ballinamore > Billige Unterkunft Commercial and Tourist Hotel

Unterkunft Commercial and Tourist Hotel

  • Billige Unterkunft Commercial and Tourist Hotel

Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.Commercial and Tourist Hotel: billige Hotels Ballinamore - Hotels.
Name:  Commercial and Tourist Hotel
Strasse:  High Street
Stadt/Ort:  Ballinamore
Land:  Irland

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家庭式经营的Commercial and Tourist Hotel酒店坐落於绿油油而且风景秀丽的Country Leitrim,提供免费无线网络连接、家常菜肴、一间带游戏室的热闹酒吧和鱼饵及渔具室。 酒店位於平和的Ballinamore镇上,每间客房均设有电视机、收音机、沏茶/咖啡设施以及熨烫设备。所有客房都设有配备吹风机的私人浴室。 Commercial酒店的餐厅提​​供各种不同的单点菜肴晚餐菜单,专门制作牛排和当地Leitrim的特产。酒吧设有台球桌和飞镖,并经常举行迪斯科之夜。 当地是钓鱼的最佳选择,因此酒店为您的渔获提供了一间冷冻房和一间干燥室。酒店还提供地图丶当地钓鱼地点的意见以及较早的早餐。

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